Important Updates

  1. All Game Cards should be filled out entirely by the Umpire in Chief (UIC).  The UIC should fill out the front of the Game Card and then record the Home/Visiting Coaches, Team Name, Total Runs Scored at the END OF THE GAME, and any pitch counts for the age groups that require that information.  AT THE END OF THE GAME and after both coaches have verified the information, coaches should sign the game card. 
  2. All Game Cards should be placed in the designated mailboxes at the end of the game.  Mailboxes will be located at the concession stands. 
  3. The Game Cards will be retrieved by a Board Member (Age Group Director) and kept until they are turned in to the Secretary.  The Game Cards will be used for discrepancies with any information that is posted on our website. 
  4. The Home Team coach will be responsible for entering the information into our website via an emailed link that will be sent after the game.  THIS IS THE OFFICIAL RESULT OF THE GAME.  If this information is challenged, the Age Group Director will refer to the Game Card for score or pitch count verification. 
  5. In the event the Game Card is not present or cannot be found, the director will refer to the home team scorebook. 
  6. In the event the home team scorebook cannot be verified, the website will be the official result.